Hack Wars 2024 Wraps Up with Groundbreaking Ideas and Futuristic Solutions

CU Campus - The Hack Wars 2024 hackathon, held at Chandigarh University, concluded successfully after 24 hours of rigorous coding and collaboration. The event saw participation from over 1,200 teams across the country, with the top 50 teams competing in the final round.

Hack Wars 2024 Hackathon Chandigarh University

Participants worked on a diverse range of projects, including artificial intelligence-based applications, blockchain innovations, and cybersecurity solutions. 

Hack Wars 2024 Hackathon Chandigarh University
The hackathon was an opportunity for engineering students to address real-world problems and propose creative and technical solutions.

Hack Wars 2024 Hackathon Chandigarh University
Mentors and judges from the tech industry guided the participants throughout the event, while sponsors contributed to the success of the competition. 

Hack Wars 2024 Hackathon Chandigarh University
The results highlighted a variety of innovative approaches, with winning teams recognized for their technical expertise and problem-solving skills.

Hack Wars 2024 Hackathon Chandigarh University

Hack Wars 2024 served as a platform for showcasing young talent and fostering innovation in technology.