MOU Marvel: CU's AIT Management Inks Three Major Partnerships in One Day

Chandigarh University marked a significant milestone today as AIT Management successfully signed a trio of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with leading industry giants: Nestorbird, PKWARE, and Millipixels. This strategic move underscores the university's commitment to enhancing its global network and fostering robust industry-academia collaborations.

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The newly forged partnerships encompass diverse fields:

  • Nestorbird - Business Analytics
  • PKWARE - Data Science and Digital Transformation
  • Millipixels - Digital Marketing

These MOUs promise to elevate the academic experience at Chandigarh University by introducing certification programs, research opportunities, skill development workshops, and internship avenues for students. Such initiatives are set to provide students with cutting-edge knowledge and practical experience, preparing them for the dynamic demands of the global job market.

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The historic event was graced by prominent figures, including PVC Devinder Sir, Registrar Brar Sir, ED HR Navjot Sir, and ED Marketing Manish Sir. Their presence, along with Director of AIT Management Prof. Sanjeev Jain, Associate Director of New Programs & Innovation Prof. Ashish Kumar Srivastava, and Assistant Director of Learning and Development Ms. Sakshi, added immense value to the occasion.

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These MOUs are dedicated to the entire Chandigarh University community, symbolizing a collective step forward. The university encourages all its members to leverage these collaborations to achieve new heights of academic and professional excellence.

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Chandigarh University's continuous expansion of its global network through such strategic partnerships highlights its unwavering commitment to providing world-class education and opportunities for its students.